Lawn Mower Parts | Transmissions | Differentials | Gear Boxes | Pro-Gear
Commercial Drive Systems For The Lawn & Garden Industry

pro gear transmissions

ProGear transmission products are designed for a wide range of residential and commercial applications. Our transmissions and lawn products have been engineered for long-term durability, performance and ease of operation. ProGear transmissions, right angle drives and transaxles serve as drop-in replacements for a wide range of lawn products including: Exmark, Scag, Walker, Snapper, Bunton, DR Power, Schiller Grounds Care, Ariens and many more. We take pride in selling only the highest quality products and providing manufacturers with Just-In-Time delivery. ProGear allows manufactures to receive shipments in the volume of their choosing while keeping their costs low.

Our Commitment

We take pride in our commitment to listen to the needs of our customers. We bring together the best products and manufacturing processes from the United States and around the world to provide products tailored to your specific market. With over forty years of engineering experience in the lawn and garden industry, we use our expertise to ensure that all of our products meet or exceed the end customers’ expectations.

We maintain a high level of ethics and corporate accountability. If our parts or products originate from outside of the United States you can be sure that source plant has been inspected and that our team has ensured it is operated at the highest standards. This allows us to quickly respond to your needs with high-quality but economically priced products.

J-Mac International, LLC | 709 Mt. Eden Road, Shelbyville, KY 40065 | Phone: 859-797-8875 | Fax: (888) 454-1315